Embrace Earth Day with some engaging nature activities...

With Earth Day approaching next week (22nd April) I thought it would be a good opportunity to share some engaging nature activities for your little ones to enjoy, now that it’s looking like the weather may be changing (finally!)

We definitely love getting outside, and I know the days we haven’t made it past the front door. There’s just something about getting fresh air inside little ones, and it definitely makes for an easier bedtime if I know we’ve had some time outdoors exploring.

Living in the North East of Scotland, we are lucky to have some beautiful spots just a short drive away. Even more lucky, I guess, given the year we’ve just had. Aberdeenshire is home to many beautiful castles, walks and woodland areas which are perfect to let the imagination of littles ones go wild, literally!

Here are some of my top tips to make your outdoor walk more engaging this spring. Making it more fun for the whole family to enjoy.

Nature Treasure Hunt

There are so many things to find outdoors, flowers, trees, leaves, bugs, and footprints. The list is endless! We always find activities more engaging if we have something physical to work with so grab a checklist and get hunting. Don’t have a checklist? Don’t worry… here’s one you can download. You could also bring a magnifying glass to help look for smaller bugs and items on the forest floor!

The Honest Mummy Nature Checklist


Exploring senses

See, hear, smell, feel…. We so often forget to just stop, listen and appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds us. I mean we’ve only been allowed to go a walk for what feels like forever so I get that it can feel a bit repetitive. Next time you plan a walk in the woods, take a blanket and go off track, take a seat and ask your little ones what they can hear, smell and see. As a mum of a three year old, I totally understand that sometimes there isn’t much else to listen to than the amount they can talk, so maybe bring some snacks to encourage some peace of your own!

Extra tip... take some bird seed with you and pop it close by to where you plan to take your rest, and you never know you might get some visitors join you!

Let them lead

Sometimes we forget that little ones want to develop their own independence. So why not let them take charge of your nature walk, choose a day where you have no other plans so you aren’t time restricted. (It would also be wise to choose a warmer day too!) Little props like an explorers backpack including items such as binoculars, a compass, a magnifying glass and a whistle so they can be the 'leader' can really get their imaginations going.

Collect leaves for artwork

Take a bag with you and ask your little one to collect some leaves of different shapes, sizes, colours and patterns. The craft activities you can find on Pinterest are endless. One of our favourite activities is to use our leaves as ‘stamps’ and colour over them with crayons to see the patterns appear on paper.

Nature colour spotting

I’ve spoken about this activity before but it really is one we do a lot, grab an old egg carton and pop a different colour in each section, ask your little one to find some treasure that matches the colours in the carton. Simple! And it really is so much fun, we’ve used the same carton for over a year now and we never get tired of this activity, with the different seasons, we are always finding new things. Although I am still awaiting the day she tries to put a lady bug in the box!

Recycle your finds

When you get home from your walk complete with treasured nature goodies, head into the garden or an area of your home where you don’t mind a little mess, and make some nature soup or potions with your little one. Water always goes down well here, and it’s a great way to unwind after a busy day in the forest.

And finally, enjoy! I know that the days can be long, but in a few years when they are off to school, you’ll look back and treasure these moments. Leave your mum cap and makeup at home, put on your walking boots and enjoy some nature time yourself too!

Remember to tag me in any activities you do, I'd love to see them! #thehonestmummy


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